Modern Slavery Policy
Purpose and Scope
Modern slavery (Modern Slavery Act 2015) describes acts of exploitation, slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking.
Modern slavery victims within the construction industry can be subject to exploitation such as:
- Human trafficking
- Labour exploitation- forced/bonded labour
- Child slavery
- Criminal exploitation
Victims of modern slavery may not even be aware of their situation. Many of these victims are either controlled by force, threat, coercion, fraud, deceit or abduction.
Some of those responsible for modern slavery can be run by criminal organisations.
People who are particularly vulnerable can be lower skilled workers, homeless people, those with a disability, those struggling financially, working for loan sharks to pay their debut (bonded labour) and Migrant workers (forced labour and victim of limited English language skills). There may be a fear of deportation/ authorities or the need to send money to support relatives back home. Modern slavery suggests that the persons vulnerability puts their lives and wellbeing at stake in these situations.
Policy and Procedure
Azure Notions Ltd sets out in its “Modern Slavery Transparency Statement” how to take proactive steps to eradicate modern slavery in all aspects of the company from recruitment to the chain of manufacturers and suppliers.
(See modern slavery transparency statement)
The company recognises its responsibility to identify any issues and are aware that modern slavery is commonplace in the construction industry. The company has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and are therefore committed to ensuring that the workforce understand and identify potential modern slavery situations.
The company endeavours to raise awareness and inform all of its contractors/ employees, clients and suppliers how to identify and report any signs of modern slavery. Encouraging any suspected modern slavery situations to be brought to the attention of the site manager/ company director, which will be dealt with appropriately in the strictest of confidence and reported to the right authorities.